2024-2025 Hardyston Middle School Back to School Welcome


August 29, 2024 


Dear Hardyston Community: 


As the final days of summer are upon us I anticipate that the next week will be filled with a balance of back to school preparations mixed with final getaways, backyard BBQs, and time to make memories with friends and family. My hope is that you all enjoy that balance and fully embrace these final days of summer while getting excited about the school year ahead. It is with great enthusiasm that I look to all of the ongoing opportunities that it will provide our students to excel within the classroom and beyond. 

Improvements have been made to our master schedule to increase student engagement and enhance instructional practices. Instructional time remains the same, but has been intentionally designed to strengthen student-centered learning and optimize content-specific experiences. These improvements are furthered explained below: 


MS Master Schedule Highlights: 

    • Instructional Time: Students will continue to receive 80 minutes of instruction in math and language arts and in science and social studies in grades 7 and 8. The intentional break in class periods will increase student engagement and allow for optimal instruction. Students will be provided with direct instruction and guided practice within the first forty minutes of class, and will engage in the practical application of skills and knowledge through a range of activities in the second forty minutes. This will include small group instruction, project-based learning tasks, independent practice and more! In grades 5 and 6, students will receive 40 minutes of daily instruction in science and social studies. This will allow students to experience consistency as they manage the inevitable transitions and new experiences that come in early middle school. 
    • Physical Education Classes: The revisions to the block periods allows for smaller physical education and health classes and for students to participate in physical activities throughout the day rather than only in the afternoon. The decrease in class sizes will provide students with the opportunity to participate in a greater variety of activities and will allow our teachers to encourage students to grow from participants to skilled and confident individuals in a number of different sports, games, and physical activities. Additionally, intentional movement in the midst of a day filled with learning will stimulate active learning in the classroom. 
    • WIN!: Our WIN! period is designed to provide “What I Need” to the entire student population. This daily period creates additional time for targeted interventions, opportunities to refine understanding, and chances to accelerate learning. This is much more than a study hall- it is a customized plan to ensure that equity is maintained while fostering growth and independence for all learners. 
  • Second Step with Parent Component:  One day per week throughout the year, students in all grade levels will participate in the Second Step Program. Providing ongoing and long term opportunities to improve social-emotional well being will greatly benefit our students as individuals, and will contribute to our positive culture. The parent component will further increase collaboration between home and school and provide resources to reinforce the life skills that students are practicing each week. 
  •  STEM/SPANISH: Revisions to the assigned arts sections will allow students to engage in STEM activities beyond the classroom two days per week while also preserving appropriate time for world language instruction. Our resident expert in technology will provide students with hands-on experiences during their STEM period, and our new facilitator of Spanish is a native speaker whose background and knowledge will further support our students as they are immersed in language and cultural activities. 
  • APTITUDE AND CAREER DISCOVERY: Students in grades 7 and 8 will interact with an online platform every other week during their WIN! period to discover their natural aptitudes and raise personal awareness related to potential future careers related to their interests and strengths. This is an individualized experience and an opportunity for our learners to learn more about themselves. 


MS Schoolwide Competition: 

I am excited to report that this year’s schoolwide competition will kickoff in September and provide weekly opportunities for students to work cooperatively with their grade level peers as they compete against other grades while supporting community organizations, applying skills and knowledge, and increasing their understanding of the importance of being present and of working together towards common goals. Activities will include community fundraisers, grade level challenges, ongoing opportunities to earn “Bee Bucks” and RPO tickets, and much more all in connection with the the Habits of a Highly Successful Hornet. Please be on the lookout for updates and announcements on the weekend blast throughout the year!!


In addition to the improvements to the schedule and our active efforts to reinforce a positive climate reflective of community collaboration, I am eager to introduce our staff members who are either new to the district, or who have taken on additional roles. We are excited to have them on the team and are confident that their contributions will further enhance learning experiences for our students. 


Staff Additions: 

Jake Lombardo- Language Arts Teacher 

Madison Trent: Teacher of ESL 

Luis Moscoso- Facilitator of Spanish Instruction 

Dan Kornak: Technology/Stem Facilitator


It is also imperative to acknowledge the efforts of our secretaries, administrative support staff, nurse, guidance counselor, special education department, and custodians who have worked diligently to ensure that our school is ready to welcome our students on our opening day, and our teachers, staff members, and RPOs who remain dedicated to putting their personal touches to ensure that our hallways and classrooms feel like more than just a building, but a place of engagement and empowerment. We can’t wait to see our students on September 5th! 


My enthusiasm for the upcoming year is genuinely reflective of the collective efforts of our entire team. It is my continued goal to provide support in all capacities and to remain present as our collaboration and communication work as tools to promote positivity and progress. Incredible things are to come for our students, and I am humbled and motivated to be a part of it. 


Always Happy to be a Hornet! 

Meg O’Mara- Principal